The Magic of Dots

If you’re inclined to delve into science then I’ll be particularly keen to hear your thoughts on the Theory of Dots.

The scientific community is, in my opinion, on the cusp of some mind boggling discoveries that will alter our perceptions about life, our planet, our solar system and the universe.

In addition Science will also play an outsized part in addressing human caused climate change. Imagine replacing fossil fuels with fusion or other unknown carbon-free fuels for power generation.

I speculate about the scientific progress that could arise from derivatives of the Theory of Dots in Destiny Rides Shotgun. I invite constructive criticism for that too.

"A Dot is a moment in time, think about something special that happened in your life. The magic of dots is meeting a special person or finding a special place. It's stumbling upon a new way to solve a problem or remembering an event that turned out to be way more important than was apparent."

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